
Envirosuite (ASX:EVS) is a global leader in environmental intelligence, using proprietary technology and real-time localised data to help communities and industry thrive.

Through a unique combination of science and technology, Envirosuite delivers flexible solutions to address challenges with air and water quality, and with noise and vibration, making the world a better place through improved environmental performance.

Founded in Australia, Envirosuite now spans more than 15 countries and is a trusted partner to the world’s leading operators in airports, cities, construction, mining, heavy industry, waste and water. Helping our customers to realise their full potential through the power of environmental intelligence.

By harnessing the power of environmental intelligence, we can build a better world.

What makes your products / services stand out?

Envirosuite has over two decades experience of working with some of the biggest airports in the world. Over that time we have become and trusted partner and have used our relationships to build and deploy products that allow airports to;

  • Monitor and manage the broadest range of parameters, including noise, water quality, air quality, and odour management
  • Achieve compliance with noise abatement procedures to reduce community annoyance and noise complaints
  • Accurately monitor flight tracks and procedures to increase compliance rates and develop future policies
  • Prove environmental obligations are met with automated regulatory compliance reporting
  • Ensure social licence to operate with credible and transparent environmental data
  • Apply best practice and emerging research to support airport optimisation and expansion planning

What do you think is the biggest lesson that the industry will take away from the COVID-19 crisis?

A key lesson from the Covid-19 crisis is the need to build back better and create a sustainable future for the industry. During the first lockdown, we have all seen the benefits to the global environment; the canals in Venice were clear, in India the Himalayas were visible without smog for the first time in decades, city soundscapes have been altered in a way that was unimaginable 10 months ago. Aviation is an easy target, our airports are located within sight of many large cities, our aircraft are visible and audible in the skies across the globe. Covid has seen many of the older, more polluting aircraft go for early retirement and their replacements will be quieter and greener. Research published this summer by the UK Independent Commission on Civil Aviation Noise that whilst 48% of respondents said they wouldn’t mind noise returning, more people prioritised a ‘green recovery’ over an aviation one. However aviation should be giving noise the same priority as climate change. The industry has many exceptional people and supplier who are well placed to take up this challenge and build back better. There has never been a better time to put aviation on the sustainable path it needs to thrive.

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