SecuriThings is a leading IoT technology provider, solving the lack of visibility and control faced by enterprises and IoT service providers over their edge devices, with a special focus on physical security devices (video surveillance, access control, etc.). SecuriThings’ software-only solution, Horizon, provides enterprises with the ongoing cyber security posture and health status of each and every device. With SecuriThings Horizon, airports maximize their security and operational efficiency by ensuring their large-scale deployments of connected devices are always available and secure. SecuriThings has established partnerships with leading system integrators, management systems and device vendors, and is already monitoring millions of devices globally.
What makes your products / services stand out?
SecuriThings Horizon is tailored for IoT challenges, flexibly integrated into both existing and new IoT solutions. SecuriThings is the only company to put a spotlight on IoT endpoints managed by airports, providing both cyber security and health monitoring on the device level. With SecuriThings Horizon, airports' security experts ensure their large-scale deployments of connected physical security devices remain cyber-secured and failure prone. SecuriThings' technology incorporates Big Data from the millions of connected devices we already monitor, to mitigate cyber-threats such as remote and physical access to devices, configuration issues, and more.
What brings you to the EXPO this year?
Connected security devices are defined as mission and life critical assets within all airports, raising the need to solve the existing blind spot over their cyber security posture and health status. Using SecuriThings Horizon, a major international airport has already gain full visibility and control over its large-scale deployment of video surveillance devices. We looking forward to meeting additional airports which would empower their security and operations with our Horizon solution.
Why should visitors come to your stand and what can they expect to see?
Airports' Security experts will get a unique opportunity to see a live demo of SecuriThings Horizon, detecting and mitigating IoT-specific cyber-attacks in real-time, and the level of data collected over the edge, related to the device health (CPU, RAM, memory, SD storage, etc.). In addition, SecuriThings' experts will be sharing findings from recent deployments within critical environments, including in a major international airport.
Which technology or trend do you think will have the biggest impact on the air transport industry in 2019?
Most airports are already deploying IoT technology, allowing them to improve the passenger experience, as well as optimizing operations for an exponentially increasing number of passengers. However, the inherent vulnerability and limited computational capabilities of IoT devices such as physical security devices make them being easily cyber-attacked and deactivated. From a cyber security perspective, their physical proximity to potential hackers make each one of them a potential entry point to reach critical assets. In parallel, the increasing use of smart devices by travelers and employees turns each one of them – from a security standpoint - into a potential attacker. While 59% of airports claim to have effective cybersecurity policies for IT assets, the majority (76%) pinpointed the lack of IoT security awareness as the greatest risk (PMC survey, 2019). For example, changing default credentials and BYOD controls are among the poorest implemented technical practices by smart and agile airports. From a health monitoring perspective, airports spend a lot of time in managing performance issues and failures of their connected devices. In most scenarios, they perform several tasks manually to manage the health status, resulting both in excessive overhead costs, and network and storage usage.